For Parents Who Want To Ensure Their Child’s “Real World” Success…
For Parents Who Want To Ensure Their Child’s “Real World” Success…
Naturally Develop The Skills Your Child Actually Needs To Excel At Anything They Desire In 
Just 15 Minutes Daily
Naturally Develop The Skills Your Child Actually Needs To Excel At Anything They Desire In Just 15 Minutes Daily 
With The Science-Backed Educational Framework That Rockets Them Past Their Peers 
Before They Graduate… Without Tedious Homework, Strict Rules, Or Anything Taught In Schools
With The Science-Backed Educational Framework That Rockets Them Past Their Peers Before They Graduate… Without Tedious Homework, Strict Rules, Or Anything Taught In Schools  
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What Is Fearless+ Accelerator?
A counter-intuitive way to prepare children between the ages of 12-18 for the real challenges they’ll face in their life and career.

They’ll develop the skills needed to become a fearless leader not just in their chosen career, but in all areas of their life — All by using a science-backed method that rewires their brain to tap into hidden talents and capabilities in just 15 minutes a day

This way isn’t taught in any public school, nor many private schools, which uses outdated methods. 

By the time their peers realize what’s actually required to succeed in the “real world”... 

…the gap will be too wide for them to catch up to your child.
Enroll Your Child for only $14.95 Today!
Get Access To The Fearless+ Accelerator For Just $14.95! Delivered instantly. Start exploring in the next 2 minutes.
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The educational system hasn’t been updated in over 100 years, yet the workforce changes year after year.

Endless memorizing and studying for exams, where students quickly forget information, offers little benefit.
And when you think about it…

How much of the material can you recall ‘learning’ from back in your school days?

Probably not much…

That’s the problem with this education system.

This approach not only leads to forgotten facts but also misses a crucial point…

Real-world success hinges on much more than just what we can recall!

Traditional methods like rote memorization fail to engage the part of the brain in a way that fosters the development of vital life skills…

Also known as ‘soft skills’ such as…

✅ Creative thinking that allows them to have an ‘out of the box’ approach to solving problems.

✅ Managing time so they can achieve more with less stress.

✅ Self-discipline and motivation to pursue goals relentlessly.

✅ Becoming influential to inspire and lead others.

✅ Adapting and being resilient no matter what the challenge is.

✅ Effective communication and collaboration in a team setting to achieve common goals.

✅ Sharp critical thinking and problem-solving skills that cut through complex scenarios that trip up most — allowing them to be steps ahead.

✅ Bold decision making that attracts high reward because they can confidently assess risk without losing track of big picture
Fearless+ Accelerator nurtures these characteristics that will transfer over to any career - or any calling - and allow your child to adapt to an ever changing world.

It expands their mind with simple daily practices involving reading, writing, watching, and listening to material that inspires them to take action.

We’ve hand-picked this material based on their age and grade.
See below to see how it works in detail, but here’s a snapshot of how it works:
Your child will have developed the “soft skills” that allow them to get into any college or employment opportunity…

…Or succeed in any entrepreneurial endeavor…

…by the time that they complete their K - 12 education.

And in the meantime, they’ll be ahead of their peers in terms of academic performance.
Our method promotes 5 areas of intelligence:

🧠  IQ (Intelligence Quotient)

🧠  EQ (Emotional Quotient)

🧠  RQ (Rationality Quotient)

🧠  AQ (Adaptability Quotient)
🧠…to develop their FQ (Fearless Quotient), which is their confidence in tackling any challenge.

Real Results! Young Achievers Share Their Success Stories…

Here's Everything included

Fearless+ Success Framework

This framework will help your child build their dream future through the development of soft-skills. It's made to grow their confidence, attract more opportunities, and overcome any challenge the world throws at them. It’ll shape them to become the future leaders, influential professionals, and valued community members of tomorrow. Plus, it gives a clear plan for any career path, entrepreneurial goal, or personal vision they want to accomplish while making it easy to follow and achieve.

Personal Branding

Your child will discover the importance of personal branding and how they can create their own unique brand. They'll learn to articulate their mission statement and the steps to grow their network. They’ll know the steps of crafting a personal brand that resonates and makes an impact.

    Fearless+ Community

    Join Fearless+ Community to connect your child with like-minded individuals and mentors focused on achieving goals and making community impacts. Gain access to a network that shares passions and offers guidance

    Fearless+ Portfolio Advantage Profile

    Boost your child's college and job prospects with the Fearless Profile and Portfolio, showcasing their achievements and certifications. It links them to internships and employers, using AI and video editing for easy profile creation. Includes diverse topics and industry leader interviews.

    Career Exploration Sessions

    Open up career possibilities for your child with Career Exploration Sessions. Gain insights from industry leaders, explore successful paths, and learn vital skills for future success, including leadership and soft skills.

    Take 5 Playbook 

    Empower your child with a guide to the routines and habits of successful leaders. Our playbook offers actionable steps, aligning with the Fearless+ Success Framework to instill proven habits for lifelong success.

    Here’s What A Few 
    Happy Parents Are Saying…

    Here's What Educators and Academic Institutions Are Saying…


    You Can’t Be Graded On Life’s 
    Most Important Skills…

    You Can’t Be Graded On Life’s Most Important Skills… 

    Like the skills to land a job or a promotion, or cultivate a beneficial relationship…

    Or the skills to identify and analyze a new problem, and invent a solution…

    These are what we call “soft skills”.

    Soft skills apply across ALL industries in ALL situations.

    Because they allow you to adapt your thoughts and actions to an ever changing world.

    And 85% of career success comes from having well-developed soft skills and people skills, according to studies by Stanford, Harvard, and the Carnegie foundation.
    In LinkedIn’s 2019 Global Talent Trends report, 89% of recruiters say that when a hire doesn't work out, it usually comes down to a lack of soft skills. While most people are hired for their technical abilities, their soft skills give them “career durability,” says Alexandra Levit, author of Humanity Works: Merging Technologies and People for the Workforce of the Futur And if you’ve ever found yourself asking…
    And maybe you’re asking yourself, “Why didn’t they teach us these skills in the classroom?”

    Well, to find the answer to that, you got to understand how the history and evolution of the public school system came to be and why it's outdated...

    The Gap in Education — How Outdated 
    School Systems Fail to Prepare 
    Children for the Real World

    The Gap in Education — How Outdated 
    School Systems Fail to Prepare Children for the Real World 

    Think about our schools today and imagine a classroom from 100 years ago.

    Surprisingly, not much has changed…

    Look at these photos that are centuries apart…
    Same setup, same everything…

    And here’s why…

    Back in 1902, the big idea was to prepare kids for factory work, not to be thinkers or creators.

    That's when John D. Rockefeller famously said one sentence that would change education forever…

    “I don’t want a nation of thinkers, I want a nation of workers,” - John D. Rockefeller

    And he donated over 180,000,000 to create the General Education Board, steering the education system towards industrial-age ideals.

    That was good for the world and economy then back in 1902…

    But fast forward to today, and now there’s a whole new world that doesn't value any of those concepts that rockefeller taught such as…

    ❌ Conformity and repetitive task

    ❌  A one-size-fits-all approach to education

    ❌ And being order takers…

    Yet, in a twist of irony, our education system today seems frozen in time, still reflecting those outdated ideals from Rockefeller's era.

    Instead, the world today values creativity and fresh ideas, not just memorization and following orders. 
    Yet, many classrooms still look the same as they did back then – rows of desks, learning by repeating facts, and not much room for thinking out of the box.
    Our kids need more than that…. 

    They need to learn how to come up with great ideas, solve tough problems, and really understand what they're learning, not just memorize it for a test.

    They need an education that’s ready for today’s world, not one stuck in the past.

    Give Your Child Opportunities That The Current Public Education System Can’t

    That’s why If you’d like to give your child an advantage over the 99% of other children in the public school system, then this is going to be the most important page you’ve ever read.

    We're going to reveal a proven framework to you that will allow your child to optimize their brain for peak performance so their thoughts, behaviors, and habits will become their greatest assets in achieving their goals, instead of barriers.
    And as a result, they’ll be able to achieve, grow, and live in ways that prepare them to attract the success you dream of them having.

    — All while allowing them to thrive in a rapidly changing world, embracing challenges as opportunities and shaping their own definition of success
    ❌  No more being held back a one-size fits all public education…
    ❌  No more being limited by standardized testing that prioritizes memorization over critical and creative thinking…
    ❌ And no more being deprived of exploring their own interest and natural talents.
    But before sharing how we can help transform your child to become exceptional in every area of their life…

    We’d like you to reflect on a question…

    What Sets Apart Exceptionally High-Achieving Children from Those Who Barely Coast By?

    What makes some children grow into leaders of respected organizations, entrepreneurs of their own successful startups, and influential figures in their chosen field of interest?

    How do they attract opportunities that don’t just lead to professional success, but also personal growth, meaningful connections, and personal fulfillment?

    While on the other side of that coin…

    Other children seem destined to accept just the ordinary – average jobs, average earnings, and an overall average future…

    Why does one child stand out, achieving exceptional success, while another remains in the background?

    Well the answer can be found when you look at today’s business and social leaders and ask yourself…

    “What made them successful?”

    “How did they get to where they are now?”

    It's tempting to believe that luck, privilege, or connections are what make people successful.

    But this overlooks those who began with little and still reached great heights.

    Their success tells us there's more to it than affluent backgrounds or strong connections.

    In fact…

    Digging into their stories, one thing stands out.

    They might have come from all sorts of places, but they all had this one important thing that helped them get ahead.

    Soft skills…

    These skills provided them a unique advantage in capitalizing on opportunities that were often overlooked by others.

    With the ability to clearly articulate their thoughts, understand and relate to others, and quickly adjust to new situations in a world that’s changing more and more everyday…

    These soft skills — frequently overlooked in standard educationbecame the bedrock of their success.

    More than mere knowledge of facts, it was their capacity to connect, lead, and innovate that propelled their passions into successful careers and meaningful lives.

    So how does one nurture and develop these skills?

    Most parents and society think college is where they can learn these traits and characteristics, but employers would disagree...

    College education doesn’t always 
    translate to real-world readiness.

    College education doesn’t always translate to real-world readiness.

    Because if that were always true, then graduates, including those with straight A's, wouldn’t be struggling to put their knowledge into practice, secure jobs, fit into new work environments, or face challenges in advancing and gaining recognition in their careers.

    Meanwhile, some of their peers who weren’t as book-focused are getting ahead in their careers, earning promotions, and starting exciting ventures.

    This reveals that academic success is just a piece of the puzzle.

    The rapid advancement in careers and salaries often belongs to those excelling in soft skills like emotional intelligence, creative thinking, and out of the box thinking & problem-solving.

    Here’s just some stats and evidence to back that up…
    "Employers often hire and promote people who regularly demonstrate motivation and initiative. Having a positive attitude and being creative can show employers you have the ambition to think of new projects or solve problems independently.Soft skills also help you implement your ideas by using motivation to translate brainstorming sessions into actionable projects" - Forbes
    But the most startling stat going around right now is that …

    “By the year 2030, 85% of the jobs that will exist don't even exist right now.”

    “According to a report published by Dell Technologies and authored by the Institute For The Future (IFTF) and a panel of 20 tech, business and academic experts from around the world, states that 85 per cent of the jobs that will exist in 2030 haven't even been invented yet.” 

    The pace of change will be so rapid that people will learn 'in the moment' using new technologies such as augmented reality and virtual reality. The ability to gain new knowledge will be more valuable than the knowledge itself” -- Dell Computers, Monitor, and Technology Solutions
    What this truly means is that hard skills will come and go, but companies and employers will always demand soft skills…

    That’s why it’s important for your child to start developing these skills before they enter the ever-evolving job market.

    And here’s how to do that…

    This Mindset Can Only Be Nurtured

    …by encouraging them to explore new ideas, discuss them, and experiment...

    NOT forced through task-based repetition!

    This means exposing them to concepts and strategies shared by those who have already achieved success in their fields.

    By accessing the wealth of insights and knowledge that these industry leaders have gained through years of experience.

    This allows your child to expand their thinking, adapt these lessons to their own journey, and carve their unique path to success…

    This kind of learning and exposure can't be found just inside a regular classroom.

    It's unfortunate, but true, that traditional schooling isn't keeping up at a time when developing these advanced skills is more important than ever.

    The world is changing rapidly, day by day.

    Yet, the curriculum in many schools isn't…

    That’s why we need to take action to prepare children for the world of tomorrow, not for a world that no longer exists.

    And when you think about it…

    This is how we adults keep up with the world…By staying informed to new ideas & concepts, adapting to changes, and constantly learning from those who are leading the way.

    So shouldn't we teach our kids to do the same?

    By teaching them to be curious, to think ahead, and to be ready for new things, we're not just helping them now; we're setting them up to succeed for life.

    And as they gain “real world” awareness from these accomplished figures, they can start solving their own problems creatively…

    ...and when they learn and put these ideas into action, it’s really rewarding.

    This reward encourages them to dive deeper…

    And as they do, they'll start to discover what they're great at and what really interests them.

    It’s like unlocking their own unique superpowers.

    This discovery lights a spark in them, inspiring them to achieve big things, just like the successful individual they’ll be learning from.

    Your Child Needs A NEW 
    Approach To Education…

    Your Child Needs A NEW Approach To Education… 

    Your child needs an education that builds not just book smarts, but real-life skills too.

    It's about sparking their excitement, using what they're good at, and getting them ready for the world's ups and downs.

    Teaching them to love learning, to think for themselves, and to see things differently prepares them to stand out and make a difference in the world.

    This is the approach that the Elon Musks’, Jeff Bezos’, and Mark Zuckerbergs’ of the world use to build their legacies…

    They didn't just go through the motions of standard education; they actively sought out learning that sparked their deep interests and passions.

    Zuckerberg thrived in an environment at Phillips Exeter Academy that championed independent thought, a skill he later used to build Facebook.

    Musk's hunger for knowledge led him to immerse himself in books rather than traditional classes, fueling the creativity behind his ventures.

    Bezos' relentless pursuit of understanding complex subjects in science and technology laid the groundwork for Amazon

    These examples highlight a crucial point…

    The traditional, one-size-fits-all education model isn’t suited for fostering the kind of innovative thinking and problem-solving skills that the leaders of tomorrow need.

    Your child deserves an environment that stimulates their intellectual curiosity and allows them to take charge of their learning.

    But What Can Parents Do When The Traditional Education System Can’t Provide The Answer?

    The current school system is deeply influenced by state mandates that emphasize standardized tests and rote learning — failing to teach the real-life skills children need.
    And the teachers are not at fault here…

    Even they recognize the importance of going beyond test-focused education, but their hands are tied by these curriculum mandates and policy.

    Not only that…

    But in a setting where classrooms are crowded with 30-50 students and the main goal is just to pass exams…

    There's no time or resources left to nurture and give special attention to each child's unique talents and abilities.

    Which means many children are missing out on developing skills that are essential for their future success.
    That’s why we want to make sure that every child has a shot at realizing their full potential.

    That’s where we come in and make it possible with a science-based framework to make sure that your child never misses out on that.

    With this approach, they're set to excel, thrive, and achieve their dreams, no matter what path they choose.

    For The First Time Ever, You Can Empower Your Child For Real-World Success — All
    By Using A Science-Backed 
    That Develops Crucial Soft Skills 
    In Just 15 Minutes A Day

    For The First Time Ever, You Can Empower Your Child For Real-World Success — All By Using A Science-Backed Framework 
    That Develops Crucial Soft Skills In Just 15 Minutes A Day

    This science-backed framework nurtures five key areas of intelligence:
    🧠 IQ (Intelligence Quotient) - Fostering a passion for learning and the ability to absorb valuable knowledge.
    🧠 EQ (Emotional Intelligence) - Cultivating sensitivity to others' feelings and needs.
    🧠 RQ (Rationality Quotient) - Sharpening the ability to think critically and solve complex problems.
    🧠 AQ (Adaptability Quotient) - Developing resourcefulness in changing circumstances.
    🧠 FQ (Fearless Quotient) - Building the confidence necessary to lead a rewarding life.
    We've named this our Success Formula.

    By dedicating just 15 minutes each day to this framework, you'll soon witness remarkable improvements in your child's soft skills.

    They'll become more adaptable, empathetic, rational, and confident – qualities essential for success in any walk of life.

    We’ve carefully crafted and structured a variety of material to activate and engage the specific areas of the brain responsible for developing soft skills.

    In addition, we also provide an exclusive expert series.

    This series provides your child with the invaluable opportunity to learn directly from industry leaders and successful professionals.

    Through these sessions, they can gain insights and practical advice, effectively shortening their path to success by following the footsteps of those who have already achieved great heights in their fields.

    We also recognize that each child is unique, with their own interests and aspirations.

    That’s why our program is highly customizable and tailored to align with your child's specific interests and desires.

    This personalized approach makes sure that the learning experience is not only effective but also deeply engaging for your child.

    It's an approach that prepares your child for the challenges of tomorrow, equipping them with the skills, knowledge, and motivation to pursue their dreams and make a significant impact in their chosen path.

    Here’s Everything You're Going To Get From Fearless+ Accelerator

    Here’s Everything You're Going To Get From Fearless+ Accelerator

    Fearless+ Success Framework

    This framework boosts your child's soft skills, enhancing confidence and opening opportunities. It prepares them to be tomorrow's leaders, offering a clear plan for any career or vision, making success achievable.

    Personal Branding

    Your child will discover the importance of personal branding and how they can create their own unique brand. They'll learn to articulate their mission statement and the steps to grow their network. They’ll know the steps of crafting a personal brand that resonates and makes an impact.

    Fearless+ Community

    Join Fearless+ Community to connect your child with like-minded individuals and mentors focused on achieving goals and making community impacts. Gain access to a network that shares passions and offers guidance

    Fearless+ Portfolio Advantage Profile

    Boost your child's college and job prospects with the Fearless Profile and Portfolio, showcasing their achievements and certifications. It links them to internships and employers, using AI and video editing for easy profile creation. Includes diverse topics and industry leader interviews.

    Career Exploration Sessions

    Open up career possibilities for your child with Career Exploration Sessions. Gain insights from industry leaders, explore successful paths, and learn vital skills for future success, including leadership and soft skills.

    Take 5 Playbook 

    Empower your child with a guide to the routines and habits of successful leaders. Our playbook offers actionable steps, aligning with the Fearless+ Success Framework to instill proven habits for lifelong success.

    Here Are just Some Of The Industry Leaders 
    Your Child Can Learn From…

    Your child can engage with them, learn from them, and explore what career 
    opportunities are possible in their favorite area using our online portal.

    David Nugent — Digital Technology Trailblazer

    Navigate the digital landscape with David Nugent, a visionary in sports, media, and technology. From OMNIGON to Next League, David's journey is marked by innovation and leadership in digital services. His expertise in creating engaging digital experiences for global audiences sets him apart as a leader in digital transformation.

    Melissa Francis — Renowned Journalist & Best-Selling Author

    Explore the world of journalism through the eyes of Melissa Francis, a seasoned anchor and correspondent with experience from Caracas to Vienna. With decades of experience at CNBC, MSNBC, and FOX News, Melissa has mastered the art of storytelling and critical analysis. Her journey from a child actor to a respected journalist, combined with authoring best-selling books, showcases her diverse skills and profound insights into media dynamics.

    Rasheed Sabar — Data Science Visionary & CEO of Correlation One

    Dive into the data-driven world with Rasheed Sabar, a trailblazer in quantitative finance and data science education.Rasheed's journey from Harvard to the helm of a successful quantitative trading fund, and now CEO of Correlation One, illustrates his unparalleled expertise in data science and his commitment to fostering new talent in the field.

    Dr. Abhishek Tripathi — Aerospace Engineering Luminary

    Reach for the stars with Dr. Tripathi, a leading figure in aerospace engineering and operations. With over two decades at NASA, SpaceX, and UC Berkeley, Dr. Tripathi has been at the forefront of pioneering missions. His extensive experience in aerospace engineering and mission operations offers invaluable insights into the challenges and triumphs of space exploration.

    Perry Kalmus — College Admissions Innovator

    A pioneer in educational consulting and tech innovation. Featured in the Netflix documentary “OPERATION VARSITY BLUES,” Perry has transformed college admissions counseling with AKALA, making premium guidance accessible. His insights into the admissions process are a game-changer for students and parents alike."

    Deepali Vyas — FinTech & AI Authority

    Step into the future with Deepali Vyas, a leading voice in FinTech and artificial intelligence.With 25 years in the financial and tech sectors, Deepali is shaping the next generation of leaders in AI and data science. As the global head at Korn Ferry and a board member in the crypto space, her insights into technology and leadership are invaluable.

    Sapan Vyas — Investment Strategy Expert

    Master the art of investment with Sapan Vyas, a luminary in portfolio management and asset allocation.As Partner & Co-CIO at Kimelman & Baird, Sapan's career is a testament to his deep understanding of the investment world. His strategic approach to asset management and client relations has set new standards in the industry.

    Mona Champaneri — Digital Transformation Guru

    Meet Mona Champaneri, an expert in creating innovative user experiences. At the forefront of digital transformation at Kin + Carta, Mona's 20-year career spans digital strategy, marketing, and product development. Her forward-thinking approach has revolutionized how businesses interact with digital technologies.

    Bora — Chief Design Officer & Innovation Architect

    Design the future with Bora, a creative force in product design and human-centered innovation. Co-founder of Next League and a veteran in media design, Bora's expertise in digital properties and innovation labs has been pivotal in shaping user experiences across Canada's largest media conglomerate.

    Mike Grushin: Technology Entrepreneur & Full Stack Executive

    Build cutting-edge solutions with Mike Grushin, a seasoned entrepreneur in sports, media, and entertainment technology. Mike's entrepreneurial spirit and technical leadership have driven success in high-profile projects for the NFL, NASCAR, and PGA TOUR. His strategic vision in technology deployment and business efficiency sets him apart as a tech innovator.

    Finally, We Help Your Child Build Their “Real World” Resume Using Our Fearless+ Platform…

    We assist your child in crafting a standout “Real World” resume with our Fearless+ Platform, setting them up for a smooth transition into school and workforce opportunities.

    This platform not only gives them a leg up in college applications and job searches but also highlights their achievements and Fearless Skillset certifications from the Fearless+ Accelerator.

    It's a powerful tool for connecting with internships and employers who are on the lookout for dynamic, young talent.

    It’s TikTok meets LinkedIn for the next generation!

    It’s also designed for ease and impact and the profile creation is a breeze with our advanced AI and video editing features…
    Watch the video to see how it works:

    This Prepares Your Child For The “Real World”...

    …by fostering a mindset and skills that their peers are rarely taught.

    As they begin to compete for college or career placements, they’ll have an immediate edge.

    By the time their peers understand what’s actually required of them - the gap between them will be too wide!

    Here’s How Fast Your Child Can Transform…
    Within a week you’ll notice their increased appetite to learn…

    And within a month you’ll see a clear improvement in their creativity, problem solving abilities, and confidence.

    Then, you can continue their momentum with each grade.

    By the time they graduate, they’ll have clarity and certainty on which path they’d like to pursue.

    Everyone Will Notice How Confidently Your Child Talks And Carries Themselves…

    …including their teachers, peers, and other parents.

    Your child's thirst for knowledge will be obvious.

    They’ll begin to lead their peer groups too.

    And the other adults will ask what you’re doing differently to raise such a rising star!

    No one will doubt that your child is going to change the world.

    And once they’ve made their mark, friends and family will brag about how they knew you both during your child’s formative years.

    Here's What Educators and Academic Institutions Are Saying…

    Here’s What A Few Happy Parents Are Saying…

    Real Results! Young Achievers 
    Share Their Success Stories…

    Fearless+ Accelerator Is Backed By Our Unconditional Money Back Guarantee

    Fearless+ Accelerator Is Backed By Our Unconditional Money Back Guarantee

    If you’re unhappy with our program for any reason, you can simply request your money back within 30 days.

    Just get in contact with our support team here.

    We’ll refund every cent.

    No questions asked. 

    You’ve got nothing to lose!

    We’re confident that the moment your child get started, you’ll see the difference.

    And you’ll notice an improvement in your child’s appetite to learn within the first week.

    If you’re unhappy with our program for any reason, you can simply request your money back within 30 days.

    Just get in contact with our support team here.

    We’ll refund every cent.

    No questions asked. 

    You’ve got nothing to lose!

    We’re confident that the moment your child get started, you’ll see the difference.

    And you’ll notice an improvement in your child’s appetite to learn within the first week.

     Frequently Asked Questions

    ❓ Is the one time payment per child?

    Yes, each $14.95 payment is for a single child in your household.

    ❓ How is this different from my child’s classwork?

    Traditional education is based on repetitive tasks and the ability to sit still for hours at a time. This is rarely how adults learn skills and solve problems in the real world. Plus, it neglects teaching “soft skills”, which are responsible for 85% of success in the “real world” according to studies by Harvard, Stanford, and the Carnegie Foundation.

    Fearless+ Accelerator teaches these soft skills through a 15-minute daily learning ritual.

    ❓ What if the material is explicit or contrary to my values?

    Any explicit material is clearly marked, and we only recommend material that’s age-appropriate. We select material that will help your child discover more about the world around them.
    That being said, you can review the material yourself once you’re inside, and request a refund if you’re dissatisfied with it.

    ❓ Who’s this for?

    Your child between the ages of 12 and 18, and between grades 3 and 12.
    Enroll Your Child for only $14.95 Today!
    Get Access To The Fearless+ Accelerator For Just $14.95! Delivered instantly. Start exploring in the next 2 minutes.
    We can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. What we can guarantee is your satisfaction with our training. We give you a 30-day 100% satisfaction guarantee on the products we sell, so if you are not happy for any reason with the quality of our training, just ask for your money back. You should know that all products and services by our company are for educational and informational purposes only.